Friday, April 1, 2011

Death of a Pet.

I tend to take on more than I can handle.  My friend told me the other day, "You can't take care of everybody."   Well, I try to.  Which includes animals.  My husband says I collect people and animals.  Today, I have 3 extra people.  One of which is a crawling puking baby.  The other, is a friend that has hit a rough spot in her life.  The other is a sassy attitude teen.  Easy right?  Uumm, no.  Not really.  Top that off with a dog that has low self esteem and loud and noisy guinea pig.  And usually we have a very raucous bird named, Killer.  My youngest daughter came and said that Killer was laying on the bottom of his cage.  She thought he was sleeping.  My son, took Killer out of the cage and held his pet against his chest.  So for about an hour, my son held his favorite pet and cried and cried.  Tears and snot and a convulsing bird.  All the people in the house gathered to pay our last respects.  And that danged bird opened his eyes and sat, looking like he might make a comeback!!  He didn't.  Ok, crying children, snot, tears, extra people, food burning?  Not a good day.  My favorite Scripture verse lately is, "Do not grow weary in doing good."  I am weary, Lord.  So weary.  I want to argue and complain.  But, I am venting and taking a break.  Trying to refresh.  And go out and buy another bird.

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