Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Home sweet home!

It is wonderful to be back in my own home.  My friend AJ,  calls it, "cul-de-sac life."  I live on a dead end street.  I call it my "bubble."  I am protected here from outside sources.  But most of all, in my own home, I can cook and eat when we want.  No dinner at 8:30 in my house!! 

  Sunday night's meal was pork and beef roast with mashed potatoes.  This is my husband's favorite meal.  Last night was my favorite meal, spaghetti and meatballs.  I had also made fresh sourdough bread.  I love to cook and I love to make things as fresh and organic as possible.  I think that is what I missed the most while in Florida.  Not being allowed to cook for us.

  When I got home Saturday night, I immediately went to the neighbors house and got my sourdough starter, that she was babysitting for me.  Mmmm, the smell of sourdough is so wonderful!  Then I started some homemade yogurt.  I eat a ton of yogurt and making my own is $2.65 to make 5 quarts.  Pretty economical.  After all that, I moved on to my kombucha.  I could not find "booch" anywhere in Florida!  I was excited to get home and drink my own brand of kombucha.  If you don't know what kombucha is, google it.  I like the website Kombucha Kamp. 

  So breakfast this morning consisted of plain homemade yogurt with a splash of vanilla, sourdough bread with honey, and coffee!  Yummo!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


  We have been in Florida for the past 7 days.  My dad and his wife live in Naples in the winter.  It is such a different life with them.  A life of no money worries, a life of no children, and most importantly, a life of sunshine and warmth!  It was 88-90 degrees and sunny.  Every single day!  Gorgeous!

  What I mean by a life of no children, is they don't have children.  This is a life that is completely foreign to me.  They live day to day, dictated by their whims.  They eat dinner at 8:30 at night!  WOW!  What a concept!  My children go to bed at 9.  So it was an interesting week.  Because my dad and his wife are so removed from our lifestyle, I tried very very hard to understand their lifestyle.  I still don't get them. 

  A few examples,  they used only plastic plates for us to eat off of.  Because they didn't want chipped plates or bowls.  Really??  Chairs couldn't be dragged across the floor, it would cause scratches on the tiles.  Chairs at the counter were not for spinning around on.  Really??  Even I sit at a counter and spin!!  I mean I do understand the rules, it's just, really??  They are kids!  They want to eat as fast as they can to go play in the pool!  They drag their chairs to get closer to PaPa.  Counter chairs are magical spinning rides.  Everything in front of them is to jump into, push across, or try and figure out another use for.  I love how kids minds work.  They are always thinking. 

  I don't mean to sound whiny and ungrateful.  Sorry if I do.  A week in a gorgeous home with a pool.  Fishing every day.  We went to beaches and museums.  Ate fantastic meals, (at 8:30 at night!).  It's just that being there was like being in a foreign country.  A country that doesn't have children and doesn't want to either!  My 3 children handled things very well.  It bothered me way more than it did them.  They don't know a life that doesn't revolve completely around them and their schedules.  So does that mean my children are oblivious to all this or does it mean they are happy and well adjusted kids?  Hopefully, they are well adjusted kids.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Death of a Pet.

I tend to take on more than I can handle.  My friend told me the other day, "You can't take care of everybody."   Well, I try to.  Which includes animals.  My husband says I collect people and animals.  Today, I have 3 extra people.  One of which is a crawling puking baby.  The other, is a friend that has hit a rough spot in her life.  The other is a sassy attitude teen.  Easy right?  Uumm, no.  Not really.  Top that off with a dog that has low self esteem and loud and noisy guinea pig.  And usually we have a very raucous bird named, Killer.  My youngest daughter came and said that Killer was laying on the bottom of his cage.  She thought he was sleeping.  My son, took Killer out of the cage and held his pet against his chest.  So for about an hour, my son held his favorite pet and cried and cried.  Tears and snot and a convulsing bird.  All the people in the house gathered to pay our last respects.  And that danged bird opened his eyes and sat, looking like he might make a comeback!!  He didn't.  Ok, crying children, snot, tears, extra people, food burning?  Not a good day.  My favorite Scripture verse lately is, "Do not grow weary in doing good."  I am weary, Lord.  So weary.  I want to argue and complain.  But, I am venting and taking a break.  Trying to refresh.  And go out and buy another bird.